Tuesday, July 7, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty for the insights that I had yesterday.

I realized why it was so important to me to have people think well of me.  I spent my entire childhood trying to get my mother to like me and that feeling of inadequacy never disappeared!!!

I am thankful that I finally had the strength to let my older daughter know that I was busy the two weeks that she gave me as to when she could come to the condo.  Wasn't I not a Hamptons person?  Wasn't she careful to make sure that we were never in town when she visited?  If we didn't have an extra room for her and her new husband how could she come?  I thought about this and realized that she didn't have to come.  With her husbands inappropriate clothing, his unshaven face and his desire to order the most expensive items on the menu, his lack of Judiasm etc, it didn't pay for him to come.  Her attitude has always been poor and I needed a vacation.

Today it's cloudy, but I'm going to walk and do some yoga.  The dog goes to be groomed.  I also need to get to the library.

Thank you, Almighty for my insights.

I am grateful.

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