Friday, November 15, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has sent me to yoga and it is there that I learn the words to understand how my life has changed.

Last night I chose to take an evening class along with my daytime class because I could. Leslie's theme this week because Veteran's Day was Monday was freedom.  She spoke of the ultimate freedom meaning being able to express yourself.  That is what I NEVER could do growing up as I was always mocked.  I couldn't do it in marriage because I needed to be safe and there could be repercussions.  Even by being quiet the creature abused anyone that I was close to.

Now I have the ultimate freedom.  I can express myself without the wrath of my abusers.

Ironically today I will not be practicing yoga as I will be going to a breakfast of the F.R.E.E group.

My friend Karen is meeting me at home and we are going together.  Later I have a meeting with Doreen and Nanette and Blayne to discuss the breakfast we are planning for long term members of PJC.   Tonight Sari and I will discuss Dana and Seth's wedding.

I have ultimate freedom to do this.  I am living the life I want.  I feel balanced.  I feel happy.

Thank you Almighty for this ultimate freedom.

I am grateful.

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