Thursday, February 16, 2012

Grateful for Learning to Lie

I never lied to him before. But, it has become necessary. Last night I went to a Men's Club meeting because they were showing the film, DUCK SOUP. He never joined Men's Club. He has nothing good to say about it. I've been a member of Sisterhood since I joined PJC. I decided to go and see the film. I met up with people that I'm friendly with and had a night of laughter. If I had stayed home, it would have been a night of strategies. What a much better choice for me.

In the morning, he asked how my friend Doris liked the film. That's a name he knows because prior to his actions in September, we had gone out with this couple. He visited Arnie in the hospital because Doris and Arnie had visited him. I lied again and said Jean Marie said she isn't coming. Who is Jean Marie? A mutual friend of ours. He didn't know the name. He was foiled again. But, she doesn't exist.

This morning he again announced that he had a gout attack. I told him that I would go to the periodontist myself. He was foiled again. How sad! There could be no confrontation.

I also lied and said that I had a meeting at Central Office all morning. I don't. But, he enjoys harassing by calling all day long and this will stop it. He won't call the cell phone because that costs money.

I have decided not to tell the girls about the way he tries to treat me. I'm not saying a thing about his gout attacks either. He is an adult and eating correctly is his responsibility. Why burden anyone with it?

I am grateful that I finally learned that too!

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