Sunday, February 12, 2012

Grateful for My God Given Determination

The Almighty has given me a very determined mind and I use it in a positive way. Today, it was freezing outside, but I walked for one and a half hours. Who would want to be alone with him used to be my initial reason, but now walking in winter is part of my life and I'm very grateful. I then went to my yoga class. I left my mat there and will pick it up tomorrow. I love Doreen, the instructor. Sadly the class has 30 students which doesn't give us much time to talk.

Then it was off to put gas in the truck and to my monthly WEIGHT WATCHERS weigh-in. I succeeded in loosing some weight so that I can have fun eating dessert during MID-WINTER break. Then I picked up DUNKIN' DONUTS coffee.

I arrived home to silence. Like my mother before him, he thinks that silence is a control factor. Thanks to therapy, I see it as a quiet factor. I read NEWSDAY and THE NEW YORK TIMES and soon will be off to THE APPLE STORE for a lesson.

I am a determined woman and I'm grateful for that quality.

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