Monday, February 13, 2012

Grateful for Understanding What I Need

Today, he received a phone call from our younger daughter saying that now that she has a sofa, she would like to spend the day with us during Mid-Winter Break, next week. She's the one who wouldn't show us her apartment in November when we drove her home.

Immediately, I didn't want to go and I actually said so to him. Between you and me, why should I recreate a dream that doesn't exist? After all she has done, I'm burned out. Therapy has helped me to put myself first. I no longer feel that if I do something for you, you will become a better person. It won't happen.

She also called me and left a message. Since you can't change people,I won't give her that reason. I'm going to say that I'm working. I understand what I need. I need to stay healthy and being with her wont help that to happen.

He doesn't care because he knows who she is.

I'm smiling because I know who they all are and I know what I need. For this, I am grateful!!!!!

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