Thursday, April 19, 2012


I am so grateful to the Almighty for my intelligence.  I have been writing to you in gratitude that these last days were quiet.  However, I did not forget what he could be like and that was a good thing because yesterday, he reared his ugly head again.  

It seems that when he is upset, he tries to upset me and yesterday was no exception.  He claims that one of his eyes is blurry and he may have to have laser surgery.  I told him that this could be done the first week of July.  This is my busy season at work.  It's not an emergency because how did he drive to a winery?  How is he going to an unveiling?  But, I didn't say that.  I just discussed my bonding and my implants.  When he saw that he wasn't getting to me, the conversation was over.

Then we discussed the condo.  I was honest.  It's not a vacation.  It has cooking, cleaning and shopping.  We aren't going on a vacation which I told him, to burn his gut, was fine!  We can run around, says he.  I'm intelligent enough not to believe that.  I'm not living in a dream world anymore.

I went to bed last night very satisfied because I didn't fall for the calm days.  I lived in the present and accepted them for the moment. I never know when the next moment will occur.

I am so grateful to the Almighty for my intelligence.

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