Thursday, April 12, 2012


I am grateful that all of this silence and lack of conversation about specific people has made him respectful and thereby pleasant.  I'm not living in a dream.  I know an incident can mar its ugly head at any moment and I am realistically aware of this.   But, I'm using my work voice, enjoying my life and doing things that I love.

Yesterday I walked.  I went to order a paw necklace.  I went to my favorite store to shop.  I had a hair treatment.  We took the doggie for his fifth doggie class.  All done quietly.  Meanwhile I'm talking to and texting friends.

Today I walked for the usual 2 hours.  I had all of my eyeglasses adjusted.  I made the bed and did a wash.  I even spotted the doggie going for a walk with him and showed him my walking route. I put Passover things away.  The end of the holiday is Saturday night.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the respect that I'm being shown at this moment.

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