Sunday, April 22, 2012


Weekends can be difficult with him.  He makes no plans.  He has no friends.  We know what he has done to my friends.

It so bothers him if I have a good time with my friends even if all he wants to do is sit home because it's raining.  It bothers him that I comply with his staying home.  It bothers him that I don't complain.  He would love to attack me. That would make him feel better.

I know this and I'm non-confrontational.   I always have a plan.  This weekend, I walked, I read my Great Books, I attended Sabbath services and kiddush,  I relaxed in the sun, I went to my yoga class, I saw a renowned author speak,  I spoke to friends and made more plans.  I enjoyed myself.

But, I was aware that I could be attacked.  I have vowed that this awareness will never leave me. No matter what he said, I didn't react.  I don't tell him who I go with or how much I enjoyed it.

He is driving way upstate to an unveiling next week.  But, all I hear about are his eyes. This is to upset and worry me.  He still thinks that I have anxiety about him.  He doesn't realize that it was grief and that now I'm at acceptance.   So I then start to talk about the pain in my teeth.  He stops complaining because he realizes that I've got his number.

It's a difficult way to live, but, I am grateful that I have strategies given to me by the Almighty to help me cope.

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