Sunday, March 8, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am finally able to relax as well as enjoy my own life.

Before yoga, I had no time to relax and enjoy my own life because I was busy trying to get the Triad to accept my values.

I have finally separated from them and I am now able to relax and enjoy my own life, my successes and accomplishments as well as my retirement. 

It is time for that now.  One of the Triad is 39, the other 35 3/4. If they haven't learned by now, they aren't going to.

It's time for me.

Today I will attend 2 yoga classes.  I'm going to go to Weight Watchers. I will read and relax.

Tonight we are taking the older one, her fiancee, her sister and myself and their father out to dinner to celebrate the older ones birthday.  

I smile as I write this because I'm going to relax and enjoy it.

Thank you, Almighty for allowing me to reach this stage of life.

I am grateful.

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