Wednesday, March 18, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty because I finally understand the value of change.

In yoga, it's about crossing your legs the other way.  In life, it's about doing something differently so that you can grow.

I finally understand the meaning of this as I begin to do things differently and I grow and develop.  For example, in the past, when he spoke to his sister-in-law as he does every morning, I would ask, "What's New?"  This is a normal question, EXCEPT for him being a hidden person, he had to stop and think what to tell me.  It was his disturbed idea of control.  Now, I ask NOTHING and if he chooses to tell me something, I listen and don't respond.  

This feels so peaceful and comfortable.  The ball is now in my court and it is quiet.

It's the little changes that make up life.

Thank you Almighty for FINALLY allowing me to understand the value of change.

I am grateful.

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