Monday, December 28, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty because this has been a blessed birthday.

I am a strong and capable woman and I have begun to release myself from the binds as of today.  The older one texted me "happy birthday" with the intent to call me later.  I said that I would be out and without a phone.   No need for phony calls.

He had a gift for me.  However his behavior last Saturday was filled with needling and bantering.  I did not answer.  He took me to a restaurant later in the week and was enraged when I asked him to leave the waitress an extra dollar.  I chose not to receive his cards or gifts telling him that when he is even keeled I would open it.

What did I do for this birthday???  I walked and enjoyed the silence.  I did some chores.  I played with the dog.  I kept to my sugarless diet.  It was a beautiful day and I am proud to say that I felt release from the binds.

Finally at the end of the day I opened the cards and gift.  If you persist on abusing the person what value is the gift?  I moved on.

I feel that I have finally matured.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

Thank you.

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