Saturday, December 5, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has helped me to grow into a new person.

All these years, I have been carrying the baggage of the "old me" around. However, that person is long gone.

All the things that happened to me in this horrific family are the past.  I have been successful beyond my wildest dreams and I saw that today at that Bat Mitzvah.  I am a successful and accomplished woman with no need to get involved with any of these people. I could sit quietly waiting for them to say something, realizing that there is no history of a positive relationship and thus the silence. I did not have to fill in the silence.   I watched the person that I was fade away as I realized that I have never seen myself as I am.

I was delighted.

Thank you, Almighty for helping me to become the person that I am today.

I am grateful.

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