Sunday, April 14, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because He is helping me to move forward.

Friday's closing was a terrible trigger. I created many false dreams and illusions about the new co-op.  It was coupled with the fact that I realized who Hilary really was..... inherited psychopathology from my mother with him as an environmental father and me as the abused.  She would like this to continue.

I did not go to services yesterday.  I spent the day thinking, straightening up, preparing for Passover and talking to my friends.

I realized that I have closed the door on the last of my false illusions.

It's time to move forward.

Today I'm going to Meditation and a wonderful yoga retreat in my studio.

The kitchen is being prepared for Pesach some I'm off to dinner too.

I am grateful to the Almighty for walking by my side.

Thank you.

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