Thursday, April 11, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty for helping me to decide to take Ellie and Shula to lunch yesterday.

I did not want to be know as a woman who was depressed/anxious and so I told them my story. Ellie said something which was profound.  First he said to forget your childhood. YOU ARE NOT THAT LITTLE GIRL ANYMORE!  Secondly he said to look at your life as a woman by saying BECAUSE OF HIM I WAS ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH ALL THAT I DID IN MY LIFE!

It's a different perception but so meaningful.

I am grateful to the Almighty for sending me to Plainview Meditation.  It was here that yesterday I began Level 2 of my practice where I am making relationships disappear.

Lastly I am grateful for making me like the energizer bunny yesterday.  I was able to take an evening yoga class and stretch out all my muscles.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my wonderful life.

Thank you.

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