Wednesday, October 9, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty for standing by me all my life.

I prayed really hard this Yom Kippur.  Last year I was in the process of imploding.  This year I'm me!!!!  The weather was awful!!  I arrived at PJC and prayed my heart out!  I allowed myself to drive and be conservative turning on lights so I don't break my neck.

I came home after shower blowing and had "breakfast" and the two cups of DD decaf that I brought home.  Tomorrow it's back to regular coffee for me.

I was a beautiful holiday filled with friends who sat near me.  The Rabbi said that the inspiration for his sermon was "ME."  Wow!!!!

Thank you Almighty for always being with me.  I hope that I will be SEALED IN THE BOOK OF LIFE!

Thank you!!!

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