Wednesday, October 30, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because He sent me to practice yoga last night and it was there that Dawn spoke about healing and growing.

Slowly.....I am healing and growing into the person that I always was but wasn't allowed to show because I was psychologically abused.   

Yesterday was wonderful.  I loved the Guggenheim Museum and being with my friends.  We came back home and I ate a small dinner and went to practice yoga.  I came home to go to a Sisterhood Board meeting!!!!!  Wow!!!

Today Matzah is going for his checkup and I have therapy.

I will walk at The Home Depot because the weather is bad.  I will be able to go on my errands with Matzah in tow.

Tonight I'm going out to dinner with Mahjong friends and then paying Mahjong!!!

Life is good.

Thank you Almighty!!

I am grateful!!

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