Tuesday, October 1, 2019


I am beyond grateful to the Almighty for the wonderful Rosh Hashanah holiday that I had.

It was beautiful.  It was spiritual.  It was everything that I hoped it would be.

Gone was the needling and bantering.  Gone were the beady eyes and angry looks and starring. Gone were the disrespect for the Holy Days as there was no more sleeping in bed instead of going to services or walking around PJC without praying.  Gone was the bending of thumbs.  Gone was saying "FUCK YOU" to me as it left.  Gone was the criticism of my food or of food I ordered in.  Gone was the disrespect and using technology during the Holy Days.  Gone was leaving early.

Instead there was peace and quiet.  I was able to pray and listen to a speech.  My friends could sit next to me.  I was able to smile.  I was able to listen to the new Cantor. I was able to listen to the Rabbi's speeches.  I was able to walk, read and eat a quiet dinner.  I was able to visit friends and walk with them. I was able to breathe in the joy of these Holy Days.

Thank you Almighty for this wonderful Rosh Hashanah.  I hope that all my prayers are answered.

I am grateful.

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