Friday, August 7, 2020


 I am grateful to the Almighty because I am healthy and happy and He has given me a new day.

Yesterday was a wonderful day.   Dr. Kurtz replaced my temporary inlay and next Thursday I will be getting the permanent one.  I picked up DD coffee and had breakfast.  I was able to walk for two hours. I went to PJC to hand in dues and to the post office.  I made dinner and had it on the deck with Matzah who I had given a bath.  I read my new book.

Today it's raining which means that I will try to walk at The Home Depot with a mask of course. I'm getting my hair blown out also.

I'm still speaking to the 3 men that I met on the FaceBook dating site.  It's a lot of fun.  I feel like a pre-adolescent doing this but I am so enjoying it.

Thank you Almighty for this new day.

I am grateful.

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