Sunday, July 20, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because he is always there looking out for me.

Last night could have been tragic. 

He was looking to see if he could access my pension of NYSTRS and when he found that he couldn't he started to bait me.  Truthfully, at this point, I'm vulnerable as I would like that pension to come so that I can move forward.   I answered him and told him why that pension was important to me.  I mentioned the terms PARASITE and FRIVOLOUS.  He vaguely remembered using them and then denied everything that I said. This makes him a sociopath and a lier.

He told me that I had a million dollars with which to pay my bills.   He told me that he bought me a house and a truck.  And on and on.............

I was able, because of the Almighty's help, to pull back and say very little.

This could have become a major war but it didn't.

Thank you, Almighty for your help.

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