Wednesday, July 30, 2014


 I am grateful to the Almighty because I heard and I learned and I use everything that He has taught me.  

As I told you yesterday, he tried EVERYTHING to get an incident going.  We were going to the condo.............we weren't going.   I will go to the circus.............. I won't!!  I will go see A Midsummer Night's Dream..................I don't like Shakespearian plays!!!!!!   When will we go to the condo again????  I'll sell it!!!!!

How did I handle all this???  I handled it will quiet and calmness.  I learned.  I told him that it was all his decision.  He didn't like that because it represented leadership and who could he blame???  I told him in my quiet and calm voice that this wasn't July 31, 2012 and I wouldn't raise my voice as I do with others.   Whatever he wants is fine with me.

He followed me to the pool and saw me hang out with friends and talk about Bingo among other things. I'm sure that didn't sit well with him.

I proceded to do everything that I planned for the day.  I finished my book, ordered another one and went to my Restorative Yoga class where I was able to hang out with friends and found that my friend Doreen was substituting  for Dawn.

It was the end of a wonderful day.

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