Tuesday, July 29, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has taught me about calmness and being quiet.

Yesterday was interesting.  I had to tell him that I had two new friends and that they asked for Home as well as Cell phone numbers.   I told him that they might call on the home phone. Usually, for privacy I prefer the cell, but I didn't want to explain my story to new friends.   I didn't expect him to apologize and he didn't.  If he could have, he wouldn't be the person that he is.  He wasn't happy that I said this.

He does not want to go to the circus or to hear Shakespeare in the Park this weekend in the Hamptons.  That is probably to upset me.  However, I don't care because there are many things to do here.  I guess it was payback, but it fell flat.

Today, I am going to walk.  My aim is to finish my book and start the next one. The pool is on the agenda too.  I have a Restorative Class tonight.

I am enjoying my retirement, thanks to the Almighty.

I am grateful to you Almighty for my calm and quiet attitude when things happen.

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