Friday, July 18, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.

Last night I went to services because it was the 30th anniversary of my mother's death.  I remember that week so well.  It was a very difficult summer.  I was only 36 years old.  I remember scheduling crying in the basement after the girls had gone to sleep.  One night he came down to ask me why I was crying.  I realized at that moment that life had to move forward or I would die emotionally.  I went back into the work force and here I am, 30 years later, a retired lady!!!

He came with me to services which was in itself very amazing and saw my friends.  He didn't ask names and I didn't offer.  The fact that he came was amazing as he has never done that.  I'm different now.  I read nothing into it.

Today, I will walk for my usual 2 hours.

I'm meeting a friend at yoga.  It's a friend that I bought a Bat Mitzvah gift of a yoga certificate. We will take Restorative Yoga and then I will take a Level 1 class with Leslie.

I'm loving my new book and plan to take it to the pool with me.  He wants to go also.  I suggested 2 cars so we can come and go at will.  I'm learning.

I'm so happy with my new life.

Thank you, Almighty!!!!

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