Monday, July 7, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I internalized everything that I was taught when I made the first summer trip out to Westhampton.

I was calm, cool and collected.  I said almost nothing of significance.  I thought what had to be thought without revealing anything.  I did not announce what I would do.  I did not give opinions.  I did not plan anything out loud.

It looked like he planned it all.  I did exactly what I wanted to do.  I was very proud of myself.  I said my mantras daily.  I prayed on the Sabbath at home.  When asked the same question, I repeated unemotionally, the same answer until he was tired of asking the question (Chris- packets-retirement). I did not let myself get baited (Izzy-Ellie).  I repeated the same answer in the same voice until he couldn't ask anymore.

I was able to walk each day for over 2 hours.   I visited the beach, the Westhampton Boat Club, the Tuthill Monument and even walked to South Phillips Road.  I went to the beach with Matzah and him.  Matzah swam.  I went to a winery, ate in nice restaurants, read the paper and my books and watched fireworks.   All this without a banter because I never reacted or replied.

This morning, I'm walking.  I'm having lunch/book discussion with friends later today.

Matzah has a vet appointment.

I will read, pay bills and breathe.

Thank you Almighty for helping me and being patient with me so that I could really internalize what I was taught.

I am grateful beyond belief.

Later-  I had an absolutely wonderful day.  I even was not afraid to put him in his place. His behaviors will never change and so in my perfected quiet voice, I told him that I was tired of his behaviors.  I knew they would never stop.  He didn't take responsibility for anything which was why it needed to be said because I HAD HAD ENOUGH.  And then I moved on!!!!!!

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