Thursday, July 24, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for allowing me to experience my new retired life.

It is amazing!!!!!  I do so many enjoyable things. Last night for example, after my yoga class, I attended an Ayurveda workshop where I tasted dandelion coffee!!!!!

Today I will walk.  I will read my book and the newspapers with DD coffee.

I'm attending a lecture called, Decorating the White House.  I'm excited.

My Social Security was adjusted and that with my pension are looking good.

We are leaving for the condo tonight until Sunday.  I'm actually excited!!!  I know exactly how to act and what to say.  We don't have to look for condos because on my pension, we can't afford the maintenance.  We have planned to go to Greenport, the wineries and a new place called, Lavender on the Vine.

Thank you Almighty for my new life.

I am grateful!!!

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