Monday, July 21, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have the ability to live in the moment and I am going to begin to be serious about doing this.

Retirement can be difficult because one has too much time to think and that can be dangerous as one remembers all the things that will cause sadness, anger and depression.  The idea is to live in the moment to celebrate one's accomplishments.

This can be difficult for me.

However it can and will be done mindfully.

I'm going to walk.

I have a yoga lesson.

I have errands to run.

Then I have an Apple lesson.

In between I will read the newspapers with DD coffee.

I need to call MetLife and the state to see what's up with my pension.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I have the ability to live in the moment and I'm going to do it.

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