Monday, July 28, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for creating the new me.

I am enjoying everything about my new life.  I am living in the present and letting go of that which doesn't serve me.

The mini-vacation at the condo was wonderful.  Conversation was carefully orchestrated to remain in the present.  I did not even tell them where I was because it wasn't necessary.  I brought a book to read.  I let him choose the activity.  I relaxed.

Today, I'm walking for my usual two hours and then going to yoga.  I cancelled a lunch date with a new friend because we were going, then we weren't and then I made a better decision for myself.

I was thrilled to see my pension statement yesterday and am looking forward to July 31st to see it in direct deposit.  I have not forgotten that date, but I am focusing on the good and careful to let go.

I will read my book.

Matzah needs to go to the vet for his second checkup this afternoon.

He wants me to meet a couple that he has become friendly with because of the dog. That's what I need and I'm being sarcastic.........another couple that he can upset!!!!

I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.

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