Thursday, August 7, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am feeling very calm.

My new life is amazing.

Yesterday, after going to the pool,  I came home, showered, set up dinner and went to a yoga class.  After dinner, there was time to watch a Netflix film. This was happening because I was calm, quiet and did not respond to bantering or idiotic comments if they should arrive.

This morning, I am up early to walk.  There will be DD with the newspapers.  I have a yoga class at eleven.

I'm coming home for lunch and going to see the film, "Goodbye, Mr. Chips" and a discussion of that film under the title, "The British Influence," with film historian Philip Harwood,  at the Syosset Library.

Dinner is at La Piazza.  

Then The Adult Summer Reading Club of Plainview is hosting its end of summer "Title Swap," and I am a participant.

I am grateful to the Almighty because he has made me understand what I deal with and taught me to be calm and enjoy my new life.

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