Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I attended Leslie's yoga class where she talked about being able to ride the waves of life.

You have made this possible for me and for that I am grateful.

I am having an amazing summer.  I am doing everything that I have ever wanted to do. Most of these things I do with friends, or meet up with friends or do alone.  I am loving it all.

Last night, I again served dinner outside on the deck.  I loved it.  Then I went to my Restorative Yoga class where Dawn spoke of understanding that life is always in transition and one must learn to cope.  That's what I needed to hear BECAUSE while sitting on the deck he let it be known that he was none too happy to go to the condo in the Fall.   I regrouped and I realized that he thought that he held something over me.  HE DIDN'T because I began to think of Fall activities at home and I made the transition myself.

I am learning to ride the waves of life happily and contentedly.

I started another book for yet another book club.   Did I tell you that today is my Yoga Book Club for lunch and then my Sisterhood Book Club for dinner?  

This morning I will walk and get DD coffee with the newspapers.

After the Yoga Book Club, I will go to Fresh Market and buy some items for the condo.  We are leaving Friday and won't be back until next Thursday.   I am celebrating my retirement in Westhampton.

I am grateful to the Almighty for helping me to become the person that I now am.

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