Friday, August 1, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for the new excitement in my life.

Every day I wake up like a child excited about the day and the adventures that I will have.

Yesterday Matzah came home from grooming and looked wonderful.  I made dinner and then decided to listen to the audio book that I took out of the library. Audio learning has NEVER been my strength and I've decided to work on it.

My new book for the Yoga Book Club is awesome.

I'm going to walk soon and then take both a Restorative and Level 1 Yoga Class. I'm going to the library to hear a lecture entitled:  BROOKLYN BRIDGE FOREVER: A MONUMENT OF STONE AND STEEL.   Afterwards I'm going to the pool.

Today is Shabbos and we are home.  He was very quiet yesterday.  He says that he realized that he made a mistake staying home.  I don't think so.  I believe that it was the circus or the Shakespeare play.  He didn't realize that where ever I land, I enjoy.  He does nothing except try to find things to say to upset me.  He's failing!!!!

It works for me to stay home this weekend.  I have many things that I can do.  I have sen invited the younger daughter on Sunday to go for a mani/pedi which I was doing anyway.

Thank you, Almighty for all my new adventures.

I am grateful.

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