Wednesday, August 6, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for the peace in my life.

It is already August!   Where did the time fly??  I guess that this is what happens when you feel peaceful. and I do.

I look forward to each day and I smile.  I have friends to do things with.  I enjoy what I do.  I know how to handle myself with him.  What more can I ask?

I did go to the pool yesterday and I met up with a friend.  He came later and sat in the shade reading the paper.  He knew who my friend was but nothing else.  I did not encourage more. I did it by silence.

Last nights book discussion was wonderful.  I got to talk to book club friends who are happy that I am happy in retirement.

Today, I will walk.  I will drink DD coffee with the newspapers.  I will read. Depending on the weather, I might go to the pool.

Tonight,  I have a yoga class.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the peace in my life.

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