Monday, October 17, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because I practiced yoga yesterday.

The instructor spoke of "being at ease" with yourself.  That concept is so important to me because I am constantly striving, constantly judging myself and never cutting myself some slack.

I intend to begin to be at ease with myself today.

It is the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.  I will be going to services.  However there is no reason to place myself in the past and to begin to review the old stories.  I intend to enjoy the services and return home to walk and enjoy the rest of the day.

Last night I was reading the Gita for another course I'm taking.  It spoke of doing what is right and doing your best.  However it plainly said that you are not responsible for the consequences. That was important for me to read.  If things don't go as I wish I always blame myself.  It is time to stop that.

I am grateful that the Almighty sent me to yoga.  I have learned so much.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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