Monday, October 24, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty for this beautiful new day that He has given me.

I am off to services this morning.  I will walk, read and practice Mindful Meditation this afternoon.

I am grateful that I practiced yoga yesterday.  Our instructor spoke about one of the principles in The Gita.  She said that ONE MUST DO THE WORK AND THEN ACCEPT THE RESULTS.  I had read that in the Gita and it sounded so right to me.

I do the best that I can in everything that I do.  The failing that I have is that I constantly think: IF ONLY!!!!!!!!

I need to get beyond that and learn to accept the results.  I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RESULTS.

Thank you Almighty for encouraging me to practice yoga.

Thank you for this beautiful new day.

I am grateful.

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