Wednesday, October 5, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because I had a beautiful spiritual holiday and I hope that my prayers will be answered.

The weather was beautiful.  I truly enjoyed the services and mindfully paid attention to all the prayers.  I spoke to my my friends too!  The meals are prepared were eaten quietly.  I was even able to walk, to read, to just be.

He tried very hard to disrupt the holiday.  From his "fuck you" I'm leaving to his trying to discuss the Rabbi's speeches so that he could vent he continued to disrupt.  He didn't speak to anyone and no one spoke to him.  I didn't care.  They weren't invited as usual as they choose not to be respectful.  I didn't care at all.  I cut myself some slack.

There will always be waves and I was balanced.

Thank you Almighty for a wonderful spiritual holiday.

I am grateful.

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