Tuesday, June 25, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because I practiced yoga in Leslie's class yesterday.  She spoke of being centered and balance in order to achieve a calm and peaceful life.

I am grateful that I have achieved this since my abusers are gone.

Yesterday was so much fun.  Dom and Maria came to take stock of my finances.  I purchased a butterfly from Marc Solomon which I won't wear until Thursday the infamous day of June 27th.  Butterflies are free and he paid for it!!  I practiced yoga.  I practiced meditation.  I walked for an hour and a half.  I texted friends.  I made baked chicken for dinner.  I read.

Life is good.

Today I will practice yoga and go to the dentist.  Hopefully all will be well.  I also spoke to Dom about sheltering more money so that I don't get hit with such high taxes.

Thank you Almighty for my new life.

I am grateful.

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