Saturday, June 8, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because yesterday after I practiced meditation I went to Absolute Yoga and practiced yoga in Leslie's class.

She spoke of birds and all the freedoms that they have.  The poses that we did dealt with birds.  I was amazed because both my therapists had spoken of the fact that I was now free.  I had no concept of freedom.  It's as though I was a slave after the Civil War and during Reconstruction I was told that I was free.  Many slaves stayed in the South becoming tenant farmers when the Carpetbaggers and Scalewagers came South because they had no concept of freedom.  That was me.

It's no longer February 12, 2018.  My abusers are dead and I am free.  It is an amazing feeling as I awaken to a new day and don't have to ever again plan strategies to keep me safe.  I can just be and plan what I will do.

When I wake up, as I am now, I smile because I make the decisions and they are always good ones.  In my mind, I can hear what my abusers would say and then I smile because I'm free.

Tonight is our Shavout dinner.  I always went alone and never knew if I was married, divorced or a widow.  

Now I'm me and free and single.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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