Monday, June 17, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty for the wonderful new life that He has given me.

Yesterday, June 16th I took Plainview Cab to Brooklyn to celebrate Dana's 40th birthday with her....which is today!!!  I thank the Almighty for her.  It was a wonderful day.  I am so grateful that she has found Seth and I hope that they will always be happy.  I know if he were alive he would have spoiled everything and destroyed me.  It was the right time that the Almighty chose to take him and I am grateful.

Today I will practice yoga.  My artist friend Kathleen is coming to work on my mural.  I will be going out to lunch to celebrate my friend Zita's birthday.

Thank you Almighty for my wonderful calm, quiet and serene new life.

I am grateful.

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