Friday, June 14, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because through practicing yoga I have learned to understand the concept of "LET IT GO."

I practiced yoga yesterday and the instructor explained how when we LET GO THAT WHICH DOESN'T SERVE US we have more space in our mind an body for joy and happiness.

This is what I have been feeling.  

I went to the dentist after yoga yesterday so that Dr. Kurtz could check my new night guard.  I took myself to to lunch with a wonderful glass of Pino Grigio.  I bought a case of wine and went to buy SUN FLOWERS and groceries at Fairway.  The significance of sun flowers that I love was that my abuser knew this and never wanted to plant them.  They are now in my kitchen in the vase that Dana and Seth gave me with flowers for Mother's Day.

I went out to dinner with friends.

Today was a lovely day also.  I practiced yoga, got my hair blown out and did a variety of chores.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.

Thank you!

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