Sunday, June 9, 2019


I am so grateful to the Almighty because yesterday, the Sabbath, I experienced a really calm day.

Services were wonderful and when I came home I read the newspaper.  I walked and came home to play with Matzah on the deck and drink a glass of wine.   I HAVE NEVER DONE ANY OF THIS ON A SABBATH!!!!  I am so grateful to the Almighty for giving me this feeling of calmness and serenity.

I went to the service in the evening because it was the beginning of the Shavouth holiday.  There was a speaker, a dinner and a service.  It was absolutely wonderful.

Today I didn't go to services.  I slept late because I was tired.  I realized that I had never allowed myself the luxury of sleeping late.  As a child, the abusive mother would be furious if I slept late and I trained myself not to ever.  The abusive husband would love to carry on with me so I walked early to avoid him.

It's going to be hard because I'm older but I'm going to have to re-train myself.

Today will be a day of peace and calm.  Tomorrow I will attend services.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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