Monday, June 24, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because my life has become calm, quiet and beautiful.

Yesterday I practiced yoga in Doreen's class.  I walked for 1 1/2 hours at the end of the day. No longer do I have to get up at the crack of dawn to walk to be safe and secure.  I got weighed at Weight Watchers and gained weight.  My system is calming down.  I got the car washed, purchased new sneakers and went food shopping.  I was able to lay out for an hour in the sun.  I had wine on the deck.  I ate the rest of the salad/salmon from Pasteria.  I even ate cookies because I was weighed yesterday.

Today I will practice yoga and go to the Plainview Meditation Center.  Dom is coming at one.  I will walk.   I intend to buy myself a butterfly necklace because I am free.   I will watch the landscaper in our backyards work on Keith and Rene's and my lawn.  We are creating one giant lawn.  The fellow creating my Zen Garden comes next week!!!

I'm loving life thanks to the Almighty.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the calm and quiet in my life.

Thank you.

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