Wednesday, September 4, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have accepted His will in the journey of life.

I am so grateful for the many things that the Almighty has given me: daughters, sons-in-law, and a grandson and a grand daughter to-be.  I have had a remarkable career and I have wonderful friends.

The part of the journey with the creature in it was difficult, BUT THE REST OF THE LIFE IS WONDERFUL!   The abusers are gone.

Yesterday I was able to walk and practice yoga.  I had such with Zita.  I went to a really good Sisterhood meeting where I facilitated the SIMCHA CAKE.  I was asked out to dinner for tonight by Rhonnie and Debbie.  I'm going.

Today is also then I have to go to Gutterman's for the directions to the cemetery.  The stone is in and it will be closure for me.  I wrote my thoughts to say at the stone.

Dinner and MahJong tonight!!!!

I am grateful to the Almighty for understanding life's journey and accepting it.

Thank you.

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