Monday, September 2, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty because I took the All Levels yoga class at the studio this morning.  It's Labor Day and there was only one class.  Hollie said that I did "great."

I learned that I need to take care of myself.   I learned to give myself permission.  I will do that right now.  I GIVE MYSELF PERMISSION TO BE PROUD OF MYSELF.  I accomplished a great deal in my life and I'm very proud of me.  I GIVE MYSELF PERMISSION TO BE CONTENT WITH MYSELF.

Each day I will give myself permission to........

I walked at The Home Depot because the weather is horrible.  I was not triggered at all by this and I am grateful that I moved forward.

I practiced meditation and am happy to say that I'm in Level 6.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the good in my life.

Thank you.

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