Tuesday, May 8, 2012


At a certain age, one has to learn that one can no longer teach people by using consequences.  One has to be political.

I am grateful that I have learned this!

We are NOT going to the dog park on Sunday and out to dinner, NOT because it is too much, but because I didn't want to.  The older one wanted to go, but I'm still waiting to sleep over and so I decided not to go.  I was very political.  I just said that it was too much.

On Sunday, I told you that he had been nice.  I told you that it wouldn't last.  Last night, he began to make snide comments about my friend's husband, the same husband he had pranked that cost me all that money in therapy.  I was political.  I didn't answer.  I just said that people gossip in small towns.

I was political.

I'm grateful to the Almighty that I have learned this.

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