Monday, May 14, 2012


I am grateful this morning because I was more pro-active with myself.  We are not making a reservation at Kripalu until after his PET SCAN.   I hope the scan will be good so that I can have a summer that is quiet.  However, it sounded like a good reason.   I also told her that I would take her up on her offer to pay for part of the trip.  Hopefully we won't have to go.  I'm burned out from all of this.  I'm tired of being sad every time that I see them and my hopes are dashed.  I'm still waiting for 3 years to sleep over at her apartment again.  That won't happen.  I did nothing wrong except didn't want to take Molly out.   

I figured out how to do Father's Day because he won't defend me.   At home!  With salmon!!! Choke on it. I'm in charge of me now.

And it's Monday.

Weekends are hard.  Especially Sunday afternoon.   I need to come up with a plan.  With the Almighty's help, I will.

Thank you almighty for Monday.

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