Thursday, May 17, 2012


I had my private yoga lesson and I did a SHOULDER STAND!!!  It was amazing!  I'm beginning to see what my yoga books have been saying.  In order to move forward, you have to have faith in yourself.  I realized that if I could do this, I could accomplish a lot.  I'm not going to be tough on myself.  I'm going to be the best person that I can be.

Dinner was wonderful.  I went by myself to the same place that I went to last week and really enjoyed it.  It was so much better than going with him.  It was more comfortable and friendly.  That may seem strange since I was alone, but I was relaxed and really enjoyed the experience.

I went to my class last night after dinner and we had a class discussion that really rocked.  I declined the offer to go out to the diner afterwards, but I might do it again next week.

I am so grateful to the Almighty for these enjoyable experiences.  Alone, with him, with my "fantasy" of a couple, there never was any joy.  I spent my life defending myself!!!!! 

Now, I just enjoy each day!!!

Today, I'm going for a deep conditioning and do some errands.

I am grateful that the Almighty gave me the strength to survive.

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