Thursday, May 10, 2012


I had a wonderful evening last night.  First, I had my private yoga lesson where I actually began to learn to do a shoulder stand.

Then I went to a great restaurant, had dinner, by myself because afterwards I was going to my Chabad course, THE ART OF MARRIAGE.

I awoke in the middle of the night and used yoga breathing to go back to sleep.

Why is this titled, GRATEFUL FOR THE QUALITY OF MY LIFE ?  I realized that I am leading a happy life and have been successful in many parts of it.  With the Almighty on my side, I am a complete person.  No matter what he tries to do to me or the children try to do, I have a life.  If I were to retire, I would still have that life.  I've worked hard for it.

I'm grateful.  I feel very spiritual and I have the Almighty to thank for this.

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