Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Yesterday was Monday.  After work, I met my friend  for dinner.   Then I hooked up with other friends.    I didn't get home until 9:30.  The story I told was that a group of school people went out to dinner.   It was fine.

I am so happy to have friends and to have a life.  I'm grateful to have things to look forward to.

Tonight is PASTA NIGHT.   He is not coming.   He was coming, he wasn't coming.   All this was done for control in order to get a rise out of me.    I didn't react at all to anything he said. Finally we left it as he wasn't coming.   We are up to 174 people so that two nights ago when he decided to come,  I had to say that it was closed.  I'm proud of me.

I will have a wonderful time tonight.

I am so grateful for this life.

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