Saturday, May 19, 2012


Good Shabbos!!!!

So far, today's plan is working.   I went to shul and prayed my little heart out.  I had kiddush with friends.  I read The NY Times.  Now, I'm going to have lunch and get some color. I'll write more later..............

It is now 4:30.  I got a beautiful tan, with sunscreen of course.  He came outside also.  I let him bring up topics, but because he is a hidden man, there weren't any.  Good for me.  I was listening to music.  He brought the puppy and i used the hose to cool him down.   Now I'm getting ready to walk.   More later...........

I walked from 5PM to 7PM enjoying every moment.  I met my neighbor and spoke with them for a few minutes. We ate dinner and he asked me if I had heard from them.  I know that he was expecting a negative response.  It wasn't there. Sorry!!!!     I asked him what we were doing after dinner.  He told me that he was going to sleep.   I then told him without emotion that we weren't watching the movie.  He asked if he would like it. I said that I didn't know but that it was up to him.  (Brilliant idea, putting him in charge.)

Anyway, we are watching the movie........more to come............

The movie was excellent.  It didn't follow the book, but it was really good.   He hated it. I had no comment.

A new strategy is born.  Let him bring up the topic!!!!  Then I will decide what to say.

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