Monday, September 30, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the happiness that I have in my life.

Weekends with him can be hard. When I came home from yoga and errands, he tried to pull another "scare."  The old me wouldn't have had breakfast, but rushed to find out what it wad.  The new me ate breakfast and then discovered that he had bled.  True or False???  I don't know  and really don't care.

I managed to create a weekend for myself that was a great deal of fun.  I did a lot of things that I enjoyed and relaxed a great deal.

I did get to take the doggie to the park which I really enjoyed.  I got to watch Boardwalk. And yes, I did have my 3 cups of DD coffee!!!!

The work week starts now.  I am facilitating a training on mapping the curriculum today among other things.  I will walk.  I need to go to the bank to move money around.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I know how to create joy for myself.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because it is another beautiful day and I am off to walk.

Today after walking, I will take my yoga class.  Then it's off to Weight Watchers too.  I will do some chores like putting gas in the truck, returning a book to the library and going to the bank.

I hope to take the doggie to the park.

Last night, after dinner, I finally got to watch, THE COMPANY YOU KEEP.  I love Robert Redford and this was a really good film.

I survived all of his attacks by not saying anything.   I guess his new plan is silence followed by, "WHAT'S WRONG???" That isn't going to work either.  It will join the bringing up of Jeff and Linda, and the condo as failures.

Thank you Almighty for my strength on this beautiful day!!!!

Saturday, September 28, 2013


I am grateful for understanding him.  It makes my day much clearer.

Today's strategy was not to speak.  I was supposed to ask why he wasn't speaking so that he could blame me.

Instead, I continued my activities on a beautiful day.

I finished my book.

I took a wonderful 2 hour walk.

What a beautiful, relaxing day!!!!

I am grateful that I understand his strategies, otherwise the day would be ruined!!!!!

Thank you, Almighty for this gift!!!


I am grateful to the Almighty because today is Shabbos!!!

It began yesterday.  I left work at 2:30 and was able to walk outside.   I made a delicious dinner of salmon and a variety of grilled vegetables.  Because I was quiet and calm, he could not engage me in confrontational discussion and I was able to continue to read a wonderful book.

This morning, I went to services and had kiddush with all of my friends.  We have a Sisterhood meeting coming up this week and dinner and a book discussion too!!!

I plan to finish on the computer, read The NY Times, read more of my book and then walk.

What a wonderful Shabbos!!!

Thank you, Almighty for this blessed day.

Friday, September 27, 2013


I am so grateful to the Almighty for all the joy in my life.

I did so many wonderful things yesterday.  I'm getting to really like that new little office.  I applied for Social Security, my own, which I will be getting in January '14 and every month thereafter.  i was able to walk outside on a beautiful day.  My book is excellent.  I spoke to two friends.

Today is Friday.  I will again be able to work, walk, talk to friends and read.

Then it's Shabbos!!!!

I am able to discuss nonsense with him and then move on unemotionally!!!!  I really am getting rid of those people that don't serve me.  Less texting is more!!!!

I am grateful to the Almighty for the joy in my life.

Later..................I peeked in my office and discovered that they had started to put the floor down.  That made my heart soar.  I was so excited.  What a great Shabbos gift!!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I know how to meet challenges with stillness and a smile.

Today, I must go to the Social Security Office with him.

It will definitely be a challenge, but I am a capable woman.

Yesterday, I gave my heart things to soar about:   my private yoga lesson and the wonderful walk that I took outside!!!!!

My book is exciting.

Today, I will walk when I get home.  I'm excited!!!

I will read too!!

I am grateful to the Almighty for the challenges and also the wonderful things that I do.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am happy.

Yesterday was an amazing day!!!!  I was able to face the "new office" and do exactly what needed to be done.   I was able to leave at a reasonable hour.  He wasn't home when I got there and so I had a wonderful time.  I was even able to play with the doggie and walk outside.  By the time he arrived, it was off to yoga.  My new book is excellent.

Today, I feel that happiness.  I have work.  Then I will walk and go to yoga.  

He will be home this evening, but I will face the prospect with happiness for myself, stillness and joy.

Thank you Almighty for making me a happy person.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for my health.

I DO NOT intend to become crazy in that little mail room office that I am now using.  My intention is to be calm cool and collected, otherwise, how will I maintain my health?

Today I will make my heart soar by walking, reading and taking a restorative yoga class.

Thank you, Almighty for my health.

Monday, September 23, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the beauty of life.

I had a wonderful weekend because I did things that I enjoy.  I tried not to discuss the lives of people that have failed me.  I made the mistake once, on Saturday night, but I corrected my mistake on Sunday.  I also got to finish my book Saturday night as a result of my error.

Life is beautiful.  I will spend the day appreciating it and living in the moment.

I will give my heart something to soar about today by picking up my new necklace.

Thank you, Almighty, for this beautiful day.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for this wonderful day.

It rained last nght and I was sure that I would have to walk inside HOME DEPOT and I was not happy.  

I got up and straightened the house up.  I texted a friend.  I put in the wash and then I looked outside.  It was beautiful!!!!

I was able to walk outside fo 2 hours.  Then I went to yoga.  I purchased cereal for school because mine had gotten wet in the flood.  I put gas in the truck and headed to Dunkin' Donuts.

He wasn't home when I returned which was a blessing.  I was able to read 2 newspapers and put the wash in the dtyer.  I ordered hoodies from Victotia Secret and now I'm on the computer.

He did return with a new book that I wanted from the library, INFERNO, by DAN BROWN.

The wash will go in the dryer.  I will shower and head out to get a manicure.

Hopefully, my doggie can go to the park afterwards.

What a glorious day!!!!!

Thank you, Almighty.

Update..................My manicure is beautiful!!!! It's blue and filled with sparkles. Thank you Hannah.  We had dinner on the Nautical Mile at Rachel's.  He took $20 from me, actually, I gave it to him for a bottle of wine.  IT WAS HIS MONEY!!!!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because it is Shabbos.

I don't have an office and so I came home to walk close to 2 hours.  I've always walked in school, but now, carrying my pocketbook, I can't. THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER.

I enjoyed Shabbos dinner with him.  It was filled with nonsensical conversation and I was ready to laugh, even inwardly, if he brought up the anxiety-ridden topics.  He did try to bring up the "new condo," but was met with NOTHING.

Today, I'm going to services and the I'm going on the SUKKOH HOP with friends.  I am loking for ward to it.

My book is excellent.

More later..........................................

The SUKKOH HOP stayed in the sukkoh because of rain. It did drizzle a bit.  I did get to hang out with friends.  I came home and he didn't ask a thing which was wonderful!!!

I took an excellent walk for a little over 2 hours.  My plan was to read the paper and finish my book.  My phone totally dies.  He has to take it to the store to see what the story is.  He went without me which is fine.  The younger one is having a problem with a student in her class.  Isn't it strange that she never called me after my office was destroyed an I was crying???  This is a cover.

More later............................................................

He returned and the phone needed to be updated.  I did that and it's beautful and fast. We had a conversation about the younger one which led into topics that should not be discussed.  I vowed to let these topics go starting tomorrow.  

I finished my book at midnight because after discussing these issues, I knew that I wouldn't sleep yet. I thoroughly enjoyed the book but vowed to let go of these discussions in the future.

Friday, September 20, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because tonight is Shabbos.

I have had a wonderful week.

Slowly, but surely, all my activities are back.  I did yoga on Tuesday and Wednesday.  I went to my Sisterhood meeting.  I saw friends.  Life is good!!!

I decided that I'm going to try and not be serious around him.  That doesn't mean that I won't be still and quiet.  I will!!!!  It just means that I know exactly what he will do and say so I'm going to change my attitude mentally and have a sense of humor about what he says.

He has no power over me now and so this should be fun.

Weekends should be for fun.

I am grateful to the Almighty for Shabbos and for this wonderful idea.

OMG!!!  With this new idea to smile inwardly at what I know he will say and not to ask any questions, what a wonderful weekend it will be!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for making me a strong woman.

Today is Thursday.  My life has gone back to its winter schedule.

Yesterday I had an amazing yoga lesson with Leslie.  We even got to discuss the book for the yoga book club.  Last night,  I did read my book for the Sisterhood Book Club that is coming up.

I am proud of myself and grateful to the Almighty for making me strong.

After work today, I will walk.  The night will be quiet as Thursday nights usually are.

I will not react in a negative way emotionally to anything that he does because I know him for what he is.

I am grateful for my strength.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I had a realization yesterday while walking at home.

I had a wonderful day yesterday because I made my heart soar.   I took my Tuesday Restorative Yoga class. From there I went to the first Sisterhood meeting of the year and told many friends the story of my office.  I am not walking the building because that would mean that I have to carry my pocketbook.

While walking, I realized that he has found the next topic to try to upset me with.  First, it was Linda, Jeff and Rhonne and on July 31, 2012, we know how that ended.   However, he failed and on moved on.

This summer, he was going to bait and banter about a new condo to set me up.  That failed and it is forgotten.

Now he's up to his prostate number which has gone up.  He knows that I have anxiety and he paints the bleakest picture each day.

I realized while walking that this was his new ploy to upset me.

He won't.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this realization!!!!

By the way, today I will make my heart soar by taking my private yoga lesson and discussing a book with Leslie.

OMG!!!  What a wonderful lesson!!!   My shoulders feel so much better that it is making my heart soar.  And tonight, I get to read GONE GIRL!!!!   Great night to come.......................

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for giving me another day.

I will appreciate the beauty and stillness of today.

I am giving my heart something to soar about today!!!!    YOGA and a SISTERHOOD MEETING!!

Thank you, Almighty for this day!!!!

Monday, September 16, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for my day at work.

I can no longer blog from work so I will do it when I come home.

I am not really happy with my "new office" but I'm getting there. I do like the fact that I leave at 2:30 and walk when I get home.  I liked dinner as well as the non-sensical conversation.

I am grateful for the day.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for giving me the ability to be still with him and to move on.

This is not my personality.  However, I recognize that familiar surroundings breed familiar behaviors.  

This is exactly what happened yesterday and I was caught off guard.

However, I quickly regrouped today and moved on.  I did it quietly with my ever ready, "quiet little voice."

I walked!!!   I went to yoga!!!  I went to Weight Watchers, put gas in the truck and went to Dunkin' Donuts.   I did do something new and here, I am smiling because I did not mention it to him.

I WENT TO A CAR WASH AND GOT THE TRUCK WASHED.   There is no more sand in the truck!!!

I came home.  He didn't greet me and I didn't greet him.  

He is in bully mode.

However, I am grateful because I was going to retire and now I'm thinking about it.

I did text the older one of her fathers behavior.  As I thought, she chose to ignore it. 

You can not change a TRIAD!!

I am grateful for knowing this!!!

Thank you Almighty for protecting me today!!!!

Saturday, September 14, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for a wonderful, spiritual Yom Kippur.

The Kol Nidre service was beautiful.  As we walked home, I met some of the guys that I knew and we walked home with them.  Interesting that I didn't notice the beginning of his jealousy.

In the morning, I walked to services alone.  He arrived at 10AM and left at 12:30.  Last year, he stayed longer, but he was very quiet and I could see he was annoyed at my relationship with my friends. 

The break was at 3:00PM until 5:00PM.  I brought a book, as is my custom and read stretched out in the ladies room.  I went back to the sanctuary at 5:00 PM and there he was. No one told him when the break was, so he arrived at 4:00PM.

He was quiet during services.  At the end, when everyone kisses everyone else, he did neither with me.   He walked out without me, getting lost in the crowd, and met me at the car.

I could see that he was looking for an issue, so after eating, I went to get mail and do laundry.

I was very calm.

I know that you will be upset with me, but emotionally, I expected more.  Intellectually, I know that he is a bully.

However, I am not his victim, so I stayed calm even when he asked me what was wrong. I answered that when someone wants to start an issue, you should walk out of the room. That was exactly what I did.

I was grateful for my calmness.  I understood his jealousy and I am grateful that I did. It could have started a fire and that's what he wanted.

He failed.

I am grateful!!!!

Friday, September 13, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for my life.

I pray that I have another year of health and happiness.

My family is very difficult.   

I pray that I have the strength not to be emotionally upset by them.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my life.


After "the flood" in my office yesterday,  I am grateful to the Almighty for my life.

I have decided to retire.

I know what to do to keep myself safe and I don't have to "hide out" anymore.

I am grateful!!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have learned the power of stillness.

Before I speak, I reflect on what has to be said and how to say it and it works!!!

This morning, he tried to engage me in a discussion that I did not want to have.  I was quiet. Last night he tried to ask me questions that I chose not to answer.

His bantering and needling will not go away. 

What has changed is my reaction to them.

Thank you Almighty for stillness.

I did something that made my heart soar yesterday.  

I had my private yoga lesson.  It was wonderful.

I am grateful!!!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for making many of my dreams come true.

Ever since I was a child, I wanted to be in education and here I am!!!!

I participate in wonderful activities that make my heart soar!!  Yesterday, I went to a book club discussion of The Alchemist and it was excellent.  

Today, I begin my private lessons with Leslie.

I'm reading a wonderful book for the Sisterhood Book Club.

Thank you Almighty for being there for me.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am aware of things but I do not let on that I know.

That gives me power.

I am grateful for this.

As a result, I'm enjoying my life, getting work done and doing happy things!!!!

Monday, September 9, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has helped me to make my life a success.

I saw this on Saturday night, when I realized how much I had achieved and how far I had come.

I'm at work now, in my office.

I have loved all the different places that my career has taken me.

I am grateful to the Almighty for so many health, my career, my synagogue, yoga, walking, Weight Watchers.

Thank you Almighty for giving me a successful life.

What will I do today to make my heart soar???

I will walk outside today on a beautiful day.  I am no longer afraid to go home to face him because I know the value of quiet.   I will also finish my book for the Yoga Book Club.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for this day.

I have done so many fun and also worthwhile things.

I am still.  I am quiet.

Thank you Almighty for this day of peace after the holidays.


I am grateful to the Almighty for my survival and my successes.

I didn't sleep very well last night.

It wasn't that I was upset.  

It was just a replay of a marriage that wasn't and of a young girl that created a dream that wasn't based in any reality at all.

I realized that if it hadn't been for July 31, 2012, this make believe dream would have continued in her mind.

I kept thinking of the wrong decisions that I would have continued to make.

I am grateful that the Almighty sent me that day because the dream burst!!!  I was able to create new dreams.

I am grateful to the Almighty for standing by me always and helping me to survive these experiences.  

I am a success and  have survived!!!

Thank you, Almighty!!!!!

Saturday, September 7, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for giving me this beautiful Shabbos.

Services were wonderful.

I especially enjoyed sitting next to friends at services and having kiddush with them.

I am going to walk for 2 hours on a beautiful day.

I have that party to go to tonight but as I said in my intention, I am successful and happy.

No one can destroy that.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this beautiful Shabbos!!!!

Update!!!!...........  I did go to the party and experienced how miserably he had treated me in the past.   However, although I felt the past, this was the present and I was a success and I was very happy. 

His behavior did lead me to understand that I would NEVER purchase another condo.  I am thrilled with my decision.

Friday, September 6, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the wonderful Rosh Hashana holiday that I had.

I broke up the TRIAD.  

This allowed me to have a beautiful, spiritual holiday.  

He did try to engage me in nonsense conversation.  I went with it because it filled up space.

I am grateful!!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because as I approach the High Holidays, I realize how far I have come and how different I am from last year.

I returned to work and I'm enjoying it, but not with the same gusto as years past. I know how to handle him and therefore school is not the refuge that it once was.  I can retire and be free to enjoy it.

I broke up the TRIAD.  I will be able to have a peaceful and spiritual holiday and for that, I am so grateful.

He spent the entire summer using a make-believe condo as the bait to get me to argue and banter and retire.  He failed.  How sad.

I'm using the concept of retirement in the same way.

I am so in control of my own life and I'm thrilled.

Thank you, Almighty for watching over me.  I pray that you will continue to do so.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Thank you, Almighty, for this New Year!!!!!

I certainly have come a long way thanks to your protection.

I will not be writing again until Sunday.

Thank you, Almighty, for your help.


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am healthy and have returned to work.

Thank you, Almighty for an incredible summer.

I will do the best I can to make me worthy of you.

After my work day,  I will walk,  have dinner with him and attend my Restorative Yoga class.

I'm loving my new book.

Life is good!!!

Thank you, Almighty!!!!!

Monday, September 2, 2013


 It's 8:08 PM.

 Dinner is over.  I made lemon sole, corn and asparagus with white peaches for dessert.

 I am so grateful to the Almighty for this incredible summer.

I had so much fun.

I learned how to deal with him.

I am grateful to the Almighty who watched over me.


My intention today is to create an Intention Blog so that I can post daily, my intention for the day.

Today, my intention is to be proud of all that I have accomplished this summer.


I am so grateful to the Almighty for guiding me and helping to make my summer a huge success.

I created strategies that worked.  I created intentions that worked.

I am going to either incorporate my intentions into my gratitude blog or create a blog titled intentions.  That's how successful it was.

I did my last summer of 2013 walk this morning.  In a haze with a little rain, I walked for 2 hours and 37 minutes!!!   I ended at the house and saw him coming out of the house with the doggie.  Wr went to Dunkin' Donuts and the doggie got a munchkin.  I truly love that doggie.

I read the newspapers and, I packed up the car for work tomorrow!!!   WOW!!!!

Matzah is going for a grooming later and then we will go to Fairway.

I would not say that this summer has made us friends.  I would say that, because of yoga, I know how to handle myself and I will be safe this Fall.

Thank you, Almighty for making the summer of 2013 a success.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for this wonderful day.

I have set the table for Rosh Hashona.  I asked him to get the salmon which I have already frozen.  I have written the shopping list.

They are NOT INVITED for the holiday!!!!!

I walked for 2 hours and 5 minutes and mailed the film, The Flat, that we watched last night.

I 'm back on schedule and attended my Sunday yoga class.

I got weighed at Weight Watchers for the month of September.

I put gas in the truck and went to Dunkin' Donuts for coffee.  They now have Fall flavors and I got Pumpkin and Caramel Almond.

I read the newspapers and got some color.

I'm going out to dinner.

We did discuss the "new-condo" and I did say, "when we get it."  I know we won't but it makes a nice discussion.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this wonderful day!!!!


My intention today is to be realistic about my life and to use all the TO BE'S  to be happy.

I am happy to say that these intentions really worked.  Tomorrow will be the last one that I separate from my gratitude writing.  

From now on, they will be incorporated together as one entry.