Sunday, September 22, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for this wonderful day.

It rained last nght and I was sure that I would have to walk inside HOME DEPOT and I was not happy.  

I got up and straightened the house up.  I texted a friend.  I put in the wash and then I looked outside.  It was beautiful!!!!

I was able to walk outside fo 2 hours.  Then I went to yoga.  I purchased cereal for school because mine had gotten wet in the flood.  I put gas in the truck and headed to Dunkin' Donuts.

He wasn't home when I returned which was a blessing.  I was able to read 2 newspapers and put the wash in the dtyer.  I ordered hoodies from Victotia Secret and now I'm on the computer.

He did return with a new book that I wanted from the library, INFERNO, by DAN BROWN.

The wash will go in the dryer.  I will shower and head out to get a manicure.

Hopefully, my doggie can go to the park afterwards.

What a glorious day!!!!!

Thank you, Almighty.

Update..................My manicure is beautiful!!!! It's blue and filled with sparkles. Thank you Hannah.  We had dinner on the Nautical Mile at Rachel's.  He took $20 from me, actually, I gave it to him for a bottle of wine.  IT WAS HIS MONEY!!!!!

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