Friday, September 20, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because tonight is Shabbos.

I have had a wonderful week.

Slowly, but surely, all my activities are back.  I did yoga on Tuesday and Wednesday.  I went to my Sisterhood meeting.  I saw friends.  Life is good!!!

I decided that I'm going to try and not be serious around him.  That doesn't mean that I won't be still and quiet.  I will!!!!  It just means that I know exactly what he will do and say so I'm going to change my attitude mentally and have a sense of humor about what he says.

He has no power over me now and so this should be fun.

Weekends should be for fun.

I am grateful to the Almighty for Shabbos and for this wonderful idea.

OMG!!!  With this new idea to smile inwardly at what I know he will say and not to ask any questions, what a wonderful weekend it will be!!!!!!!

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